Docker Login Issues

I have not been able to get past the login to pull the latest G4SEE docker image.
I’m not sure if my login was setup correctly or if my account needs to be activated by an admin

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Dear @micwilliam56!
Thanks for your message and interest in G4SEE!
G4SEE is not yet open-source, so the GitLab repository and Docker images of G4SEE are still not publicly accessible, only with a CERN computing account. I will let you know when it becomes public (hopefully in January), so you can access it. In case you have a CERN computing account, please let me know!
Kind regards,

Any updates on when the software is going to be available to the general community? I’d like to do some comparisons to work we’ve done in MRED at Vanderbilt as well as provide input to others who are interested in using G4SEE outside of Vanderbilt.


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Dear @warrenkm, @micwilliam56,

Finally it is available via CERN GitLab here: G4SEE toolkit / G4SEE · GitLab
docker login is not needed anymore, you should be able pull any G4SEE docker image from CERN GitLab.

@warrenkm: Comparisons with MRED would be very useful for the whole community, we are looking forward to it! Please let us know about the results as soon as they are available! Thank you!
