How does biasNonPrimariesToo command work?

Hello Everyone

I’ve little confusion about “biasNonPrimariesToo”. suppose, my primary particle is a proton (p) and it produces electron (e), gamma (g), and secondary proton (sp) after an interaction. if I turn on biasNonPrimariesToo to true, does this mean secondary particles e, g, and sp, will also be biased, or will this biasness only be applied to sp?


Dear Aamir,

Thanks for your question. Indeed this is not yet detailed in the documentation, but at some point it will be as well. By default, only primary particles are biased, which is the option most users and use cases need. However, in some special cases that’s not enough. By using the /SEE/biasing/biasNonPrimariesToo true command, not just your primary protons, but all other (secondary, tertiary…) protons produced will be biased as well. For other secondaries (e-, gamma, etc.) no biasing will be applied.

In the Detailed Scoring output file, you can check which processes and particles were biased and occurred during your simulation run, you need to look for b(processName) in the “process” column.


Thanks, I got it, Dlucsany