V0.5.1 documentation

Hi !
This might be a silly comment, but during last week’s presentation I realized that the code examples given in the documentation are for v0.5 and not v0.5.1.
My colleagues automatically copied-pasted the example (with v0.5) and were suprised that some files were missing (since they were in v0.5.1).

The examples I am talking about are those in 1.2 Run Docker container:

docker run -it -h g4see gitlab-registry.cern.ch/g4see/g4see:v0.5_G4-11.0.3

docker run -it -h g4see -v /host/path/to/shared_folder:/home gitlab-registry.cern.ch/g4see/g4see:v0.5_G4-11.0.3

Maybe there is a way to automatize this ?
